Sharing a Malaysian Talk Show I have just watched from YouTube. The open debate started with a question :"Should worker be paid for overtime?"
This topic is a serious matter, as we all need to pay our bills. The participants in this talk show voiced their own opinions in a very balanced conclusion. Team Boss agreed that employees should work overtime because they get to pick up practical skills when they are really working. They should be open to this and not only ask about overtime pay.
Both parties did mention how the company knows if the employee is actually working for the company when they are doing overtime.
This is a good counter-debate question, as I have witnessed my peers in the first corporate job I worked for using company resources for their own benefit—passive income (not referring to stock investment). It was obvious during COVID that there are some who do drop-shipping but use their company laptop. Printing their own using company resources For no reason, and I did not ask, they would "share with me out of kindness" and complain to me that they are not paid enough when the company earns so much.
I really do not need to know, and I will not be surprised that they are reading my blog to know where I am working now. Don't you find yourself rude?
They can just be shareholders and buy a portion of the company's stock to pay back. Life can be simple and less political if you are not happy with your work and the salary; you just need to find a new one! The difference in the amount of salary your employer has to pay in your employer's CFP the older the employer.
Imagine if you are an employer. Don't you want to earn more?
The second question was "You can only be rich if you are a boss".
It is not true; there are many companies out there that have closed down. Are you sure the directors will know that one day their company will close? Nope, until they try.
With the rise of marketing and social media, there are a lot of online marketing freelancers with registered companies. How many are just passive-income partnerships? You would not know because you need their services. Maybe?
All you need to do is try.
There are employees who are much better than their bosses. I believe you agree with me.
Lastly, "The economy is influenced by the environment". The wealthy should pay more taxes. Yes, this is to balance the economic flow between high and low incomes. The host spoke about why the lucky ones need to help others.
At my last company, there were people who thought they needed to pay more taxes because they owned more than one property. Hello! ARE YOU SHOWING OFF!? The more you earn, the more tax you will "donate" back to the community. In return, you are helping one kid or more get out of poverty because their parents can't. This is just to balance out the poor and rich.
Why can't their parents get themselves out of poverty? They are just simple-minded workmen who only think about easy money, and they just want their kids to do the same: get a job faster and then take care of them. Work is all that is required; no advanced education is required. Their next generation will do the same. Their children are their wealth. They have plans to do nothing for their children but expect them to take care of their retirement.
The old-fashioned mindset apparently still exists in my environment. The hard truth assumption is: " How you behave yourself outside is how you behave at home." If this assumption is so true, then whoever said this to you, especially if she or he is your boss, This is not the company you will want to stay with.
Thank you for reading my 30-cent thoughts.
Shirley Charlin 李
Updated my grammar because my reader friends cannot stand them.