Let me hear some claps from you! *Opening my ear wide open* So, I got to sort of interviewed Peter Lind, the creator or should I just say the brain behind all of the delicious Ben & Jerry Ice Cream on 6 October, Sunday! I had actually done my homework before I asked him, okay... (^.^)Y

Let me hear some claps from you! *Opening my ear wide open* So, I got to sort of interviewed Peter Lind, the creator or should I just say the brain behind all of the delicious Ben & Jerry Ice Cream on 6 October, Sunday! I had actually done my homework before I asked him, okay... (^.^)Y

I came out with 4 questions which turned out to be like 3 and half questions cos the remaining half of a question is actually relavant to each other! See! Told you I have done my homework before the event. *Dolly Wink*
Guess guess guess what I asked?!
You asked him for the secret recipe?
NO! The first question that I asked him was " If anyone would ever ask you to develop a rose flavoured ice cream again, would you give it a try again?
I have done my research and found out that Ben, the co-founder of Ben & Jerry had been working with unwed mothers group in India. In addition, the mission of Ben & Jerry is to pay back and help the community. Henceforth, Ben instructed Peter to create a rose flavoured ice cream. Peter made many attempts but Ben was not satisfied with the taste. (On the side note, Peter revealed to us that Ben is a person who prefer more texture in his food as compared to Jerry.) He cheated a bit by adding some cherry extract into the ice cream. Afterwhich, they actually gave out some samples of the rose flavoured ice cream to a shopping mall for consumers to try and one of them feedback this: "This taste like my grandma's armpit!". Then Ben finally agreed that there was way too much flavouring in the ice cream. However, then Peter told me that Ben & Jerry is now actually creating a lavender flavoured ice cream! WOOHOO! I really cannot wait to try!
Then I asked Peter a second question which is pretty personal: " How do you actually felt when you and your friend, Brian brought your first tubs of ice cream to a mall to sell it and everyone love it!"
He replied in a humble manner," I feel that when the flavour works well I feel really good however when the flavour don't work, I will keep on making a few versions of it to see where have I gone wrong. Is it to much of this or too much of that. "
Side note: When Peter got his first ice cream maker, he went on together with Brian and the both of them started to make their very own ice cream. They gave their family to try and all of them actually love them! After which they bought a few tubs of the ice cream they have made to a mall. Peanut butter Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Chip was the most selling ice cream. Again, because of the jealousy of Deering's Ice Cream shop, Peter and Brian got kicked out of the mall cos they have no permit in the first place. Nevertheless, Peter was already too tired with his part time job he had during his summer break to even bother such a minor incident.
Don't be too shocked when I tell you guys what was the third question which I have asked him! *Aunty Lucy's hair flip*
Ewww... You are just a reporter please... Don't try to be like my idol Aunty Lucy can?
Whatever.. If you had ever liked Ben & Jerry Facebook page to be notified of their amazing events which are opened to public, like FREE CONE DAY for an example, you might have tasted this two Once- A- Hot- Selling ice cream - Wavy Gravy and Rainforest Crunch, there was a really amazing stories behind this two creation:
Wavy Gravy , a flavour named after the guy who served as the Master of Ceremonies at Woodstock. Ben suggested Peter this idea of the ice cream with two guidelines: 1) Make it contain two swirls. 2) Make it delicious. Then, Peter tried and tried and came up with 230 interations of which some became other flavous like Chubby Hubby. As for Rainforest Crunch, the mixed nuts which Ben gave it to Peter were way too big as the nuts sticked together and became as big as a basketball. Presistent Peter, pour the entire bucket filled with the mixed nuts on to the desk to show the visual learner. In the end, Ben bought his words and then they started to make changes to the creation.
Me: " These two flavours are no longer on the racks!!! I have yet to try it! If you have even googled about these two flavours, some of your fans are actually missing them. Not to mention Rainforest Crunch being the best selling ice cream!"
Peter: " Both of them are great flavours. We wanted to help the environment to cut down lesser trees. We thought that the plan of using the nuts that were grew from those trees would actually help the rainforest. However, the plan did not turn out well. Like Ben & Jerry's misson, whatever we do we will return back to the community. As for Wavy Gravy, many ideas just pop out of Ben's and my brain. We'd made so many flavours that we go out of counts."
Me: " About the Rainforest Crunch, I thought that you were really brave to pour the whole mixture onto Ben's desk. Aren't you afraid of getting fired?!"
Peter: " Oh, thanks you. Remember what I told you all about the brownies getting chunky and got stick together? That was what happen also to the nuts that Ben gave me."
Me:" Aren't you afraid of getting fired?"
Peter: " Erm... maybe sometime.. haha."
The whole entire process of the interview was really fun. I really did enjoy the entire workshop! Thanks Youth.sg !
We got to know more about Ben & Jerry and of cos Peter Lind in this workshop. After the workshop, we have our free flow of ice cream!!! RWAR!!!
Last but not least, I met a new friend, Eliina :)
With loves,
Shirley Charlin