So we need to know C programming in for our study in Computer Science at NTU.
I have conquered so many languages from HTML to .NET but I can't seems to get C programming right. I even need to practice from LeetCode, till the extend, I put a stop to practice Kotlin and GoLang.
At the start of my academia journey in Information Solution, I thought I could not survive as I did not have proper resources nor WIFI at home. I had overcome so much with the minimal basic needs I need to pass the courses over the 5 + 3 years and counting...
Now I am logging in to my blog to write a post about how I find C programming so difficult. My Data Structure And Algorithm Class could not have passed without the teaching by Dr. Loke. If you ever googled my post, which I do not think you can as of the date time of this post. Dr. Loke is the LEGEND!
Some of my classmates over in the part time course may find Dr. Loke speak really harshly, but what he say is reality. He teaches really well, frankly speaking I am surprise that I can understand. I can virtually understand what you're thinking. I know right.
Well, I requested for course notes earlier to study in at night and over the weekends.
Back to the main topic of this post. WHY IS C PROGRAMMING SO HARD!
Any senpai please give me your advise. My friends (actually human-being), told me to start practice on LeetCode. I.. I ... now declare LeetCode my best friend over WWW.
Update: I do not use LeetCode already...
Shirley Charlin 李