Friday, December 30, 2022

#OffTheInternet Chapter 4: Why is C programming so hard?

So we need to know C programming in for our study in Computer Science at NTU. 

I have conquered so many languages from HTML to .NET but I can't seems to get C programming right. I even need to practice from LeetCode, till the extend, I put a stop to practice Kotlin and GoLang.  

At the start of my academia journey in Information Solution, I thought I could not survive as I did not have proper resources nor WIFI at home. I had overcome so much with the minimal basic needs I need to pass the courses over the 5 + 3 years and counting... 

Now I am logging in to my blog to write a post about how I find C programming so difficult. My Data Structure And Algorithm Class could not have passed without the teaching by Dr. Loke. If you ever googled my post, which I do not think you can as of the date time of this post. Dr. Loke is the LEGEND!

Some of my classmates over in the part time course may find Dr. Loke speak really harshly, but what he say is reality. He teaches really well, frankly speaking I am surprise that I can understand. I can virtually understand what you're thinking. I know right. 

Well, I requested for course notes earlier to study in at night and over the weekends. 

Back to the main topic of this post. WHY IS C PROGRAMMING SO HARD! 

Any senpai please give me your advise. My friends (actually human-being), told me to start practice on LeetCode. I.. I ... now declare LeetCode my best friend over WWW. 

Update: I do not use LeetCode already...

Yours Sincerely, 
Shirley Charlin 李

#OffTheInternet Chapter 3: Hello, World!

It is already 0133hr on 12 December.

Nope, I am not waiting to check out my cart with the virtual coupons I have been saving for the 12.12 sales. I have already made purchases before today.

On and off I have been thinking about this Blogsphere I have crafted out since 2014. I thought keeping a low key life will motivate me to be a better adult. Certainly, it have not.

Just as I am writing on the edit page, I navigated to my blog and counted the numbers of remaining blog posts I have left.  Less than 50. Reminisced on the late nights and efforts I have once put into to create contents and shinning the positive sun ray with an ending quote in each post. 

In just a few months, I received my very first editorial request while I am away in Vancouver. The request was sent directly to me. 

What a great time. 

I had experienced "live" how childish human can still be, even when they are in their adulthood. There is no limit to how high is the sky, there is also no limit to respecting each other's boundaries. Off the internet for 3 years plus, I still adore this space. 

After I vented my frustration to a buddy, it inspired me to start writing once more. Merely to ensure that I never violate the terms of my employee's contract, I set my social media accounts to private.

While thinking through what I have done for myself while I am #OffTheInternet, I am proud. 

For marking the fifth year in my first job, I organized a tea time mini party at the cafeteria in the main office to celebrate this wonderful time and appreciated their support since my first day with this company. I have joined this company as the pioneer batch of the Earn and Learn Program. A initiative from SkillFuture before Covid-19 greet us unwelcome. 

No matter what had happened, I am still glad to be in this company as my first job. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Shirley Charlin 李

#OffTheInternet Chapter 2: Mirror Reflection

For the past few months, being alone even at work.

I have a sudden realization of myself listening to people who manipulate me into believing in every word that comes out from their mouths.
And also, another type of people who wants others to be uniform with their own lives. My experience was, they purged me with negativities lies or impactful words that make me think twice before going forth towards my initial plan.

A life example, I have met a few who drop out of the university and go to work. I withdrew out from my acceptance due to financial. (Sometimes, I even think of why didn't just go straight to serve in the National Service (NS) straight after my diploma. Course fee for computer science at SIT is so expensive.) The few shared with me how was life like in universities and how difficult the courses were. One (Let's call her B) even assumed that I did not get in any university before even ask me if I have... I am not happy with the following sentences that she said to me that was insulting. I wanted B to apologize to me but five minutes after which she said that she had forgotten what she had said because it was a small matter to her.

And of course, it was hurtful to me. To make things worse, one of the guysfriends told me that B will not say awful things to me unless I go trigger her. I told him right in their face that nope I DID NOT.

But I moved on... until when one of the closest peers to her, A, keep on digging out this "past" of mine over lunch. At the last lunch, I told A about what she said to me and ask her what can she do after knowing about this. Can she ask her to apologize?

Guessed what?

A said that I was being emotional and even told me that B had dropped out from university anyway. and asked me to move on...

Very contradicting? I could say that it was B who decided to drop out of school. It would not change anything when B did insult me.

I had already moved on and told A, multiple times that I do not want to mention anything about it. A was the one who keeps on digging up my past. After that lunch, A did not ask me out for lunch anymore at this moment at least.

And now, I am even all alone now.

At least I did not reflect my pathetic life into others. Telling others that it is difficult so do not go. Then again, why did you even go in the first place?

Another even more vital example to mention is blogging. Once I was assumed to be rich just because I have a blog.

I aimed to document all of the positive lives I have and spread positive vibes. But sorry guys, I have decided to be off the internet. I do not know what am I reading on the internet. There so many negativities and drama going on with other people's lives and people nowadays seems to have two types of personality - one for the internet, one for the reality.

Okay, I need to flush out the negativities again. There are too many impurities in the air that I need to sweep out.

This reminds me of Xiaxue. She had filmed a video which included content about people having two personality-

After watching and reflecting on my life, I came in term with myself and made a conclusion that it is all about a person's character.  At the end of the day, they are laughing and enjoying their life after making you feeling mystery and upset. They may or may not feel awful for their actions and how they could depict their life on you and advised you with their assumptions which mostly are deemed negativities. There are many things that you can be more concern about - Global warming, the amount of money that comes in and goes out from your bank every month and what to eat for lunch today.

Okay I shall stop here interruptly. I have a report to finish up.

Yours Sincerely,
Shirley Charlin